What You Need to Know About Coronary Heart Disease

What You Need to Know About Coronary Heart Disease

Heart diseases can affect people regardless of age or gender. In India, the incidences of heart diseases remain high, with coronary heart disease (CHD) being one of the most common conditions prevalent. This disease is a result of plaque formation in the arteries and can lead to a number of other conditions like stroke.

The arteries in our bodies start out as smooth and elastic, but can get a buildup of plaque on the inner walls. This makes the arteries more rigid and narrower, and can restrict the blood flow to the heart. This leads to lesser oxygen reaching the heart and a chance for the plaque to rupture, leading to heart attacks or cardiac death. That is why it is ideal to opt for regular heart checkup at a heart hospital in Jaipur to be in the know-how about your heart’s health.

The Symptoms

The most common symptom of CHD is angina (chest pain), which can easily be mistaken for indigestion or heartburn. While angina is usually felt in the chest, it may affect other body parts like the left shoulder, jaw, arms, neck and back as well. Some other symptoms of CHD include: –

  • Short breath
  • Palpitations
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Weakness
  • Nausea
  • Excessive sweating


The most common treatment paths that can be followed after the diagnosis of CHD include:-

Lifestyle changes

A lot of little changes can make a big difference. For example, you will need to quit smoking, avoid processed foods, go for a low fat, salt, and sugar diet, keep the blood sugar in control, and exercise regularly (get a doctor approved exercise plan).


Sometimes lifestyle changes are not enough and you might require medication. What exactly is prescribed to you will depend on the situation of your CHD.

Surgery and procedures

Balloon angioplasty, stent placement, and coronary artery bypass surgery are the most common surgeries and procedures that are conducted on CHD patients to relieve the condition.

While these methods and procedures improve the supply of blood to your heart, they cannot cure coronary heart disease completely. They do however; significantly lower the chances of more heart diseases.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and eating habits is very important to avoid a number of heart conditions, and it is equally important to opt for regular heart checkups at a heart hospital in Jaipur, for keeping a tab on your heart’s health.

4 Signs You Need a Heart Checkup

4 Signs You Need a Heart Checkup

The common occurrence of heart diseases in humans in no way reduces the graveness of their effect. While a lot of people throughout the world deal with the many complexities of heart diseases, there are people who silently suffer from such diseases totally unaware that they have any. Although certain heart diseases can be controlled and checked, yet there are others that turn out to be fatal.

Symptoms of diseases are how our bodies choose to tell us that something isawry. As per specialists conducting the best heart treatments in Jaipur, awareness and proper knowledge of these symptoms can help you diagnose and hence manage the ailment well in time.

Here are some heart symptoms that you should watch out for, and visit your doctor if you experience any –

Extreme fatigue

Now tiredness may be something that people feel every now and then, and there could be several reasons behind it, from lack of proper rest, to weakness or improper diet. While many choose to ignore this symptom, it could really be your body warning you of stiffening heart muscles, an infection in the heart or other cardiovascular ailments.


Another sign of inadequate diet or weakness is dizziness. Often, warm summers or exertion can result infeeling light headed. Dizziness is a symptom common to several diseases including anemia but may also be a consequence of heart arrhythmias, blockage of arteries that decrease blood pressure, dilated cardiomyopathy, and so on.

Shortness of breath

A lot of factors from extreme physical activity, aging, anemia, infections, to asthma or other respiratory ailments can be the reason behind shortness of breath. But if you have been experiencing it quite often, it could also be a sign of valvular heart diseases, atherosclerosis, weakening of heart muscles, heart infections, and so on.

Swelling of feet

Often, with a lot of travelling, varicose veins or even pregnancy may cause swollen feet. However, a lot many heart issues could also be behind this symptom. Inefficient pumping of blood or weakening of heart muscles resulting in heart failures can be one of the prime heart ailments behind this symptom.

Although the above are some very common issues you come across in your daily life, doctors performing the best heart treatment in Jaipur believe that paying close attention to these could prove life-saving for you.

Adopting a Heart-Healthy Lifestyle

Adopting a Heart-Healthy Lifestyle

Your heart works all day, all year round and sure deserves some care. Making small changes in your everyday lifestyle can make a big difference to your heart, and it will thank you in great ways in the years to come.While heart is an important but delicate part of our bodies, only a specialist can be trusted and turned to for good heart-healthy advice.

Therefore, here we have advice from specialists from the best heart hospital in Jaipur that will help you adopt a better lifestyle and make you less likely to experience heart diseases.

Aim for At Least 7 Hours of Sleep

Working like robots and staying awaketill late at night has become a common culture these days, and so has heart problems.People fail to understand how critically important a proper full-night’s sleep is for their heart. Inadequate sleep can lead to calcium build-up in thearteries, which is among the early signs of heart disease.

If you find it difficult to fall asleep at night or feel tired even after having a 7 hour sleep, talk to our specialists at the best heart hospital in Jaipur.

Keep the Pressure in Check

Blood pressure is an important factor in ensuring heart health. If it gets too high, the extra force on your artery walls can damage them and make it difficult for blood and therefore, oxygen to pass throughthe heart.

If you are anywhere between 18 and 39 years old, you should get your blood pressure checked every 3-5 years even if you experience no symptoms of illness. For those older than 40, a blood pressure check is recommended every year.

Look for Signs of Diabetes

There are hundreds of people out there who have diabetes and they do not even know. In several cases, by the time they find it out, their arteries are damaged and they are at a higher heart risk. Regular blood sugar tests should be taken if you are 45 years or older, or if you are pregnant or overweight.

Move Around More Often

Everyone should aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exerciseevery day. But, working out or sweating is not enough.At the same time, remaining sedentary for the rest of the time is really bad for your heart. Make sure you move around as much as possible to avoid sitting in a single place for long hours, be it in home or office.

It is extremely important to follow a heart-healthy lifestyle that includes exercise, healthy eating, and preventive follow ups with your physician, taking appropriate medications as needed, and not smoking. The Jaipur Heart and Multispeciality Centre is the right hospital for best heart specialists in Jaipur that can offer heart care from routine heart checkups to minimally invasive surgery.

Preventing Heart Conditions for a Hearty Life

Preventing Heart Conditions for a Hearty Life

Unlike a common myth, heart diseases,and not cancer,are the number one reason why many people die every year, especially women.The risk of heart diseases tends to increase with an increasing age, andpeople who have a family history of heart diseases at a young ageare alsomore likely to be at risk.

Fortunately, there are ways that can help us keep our heart fit and active, and reduce the chances of developing a heart disease. Moreover, the availability ofadvanced heart treatment in Jaipur and other cities have made situations less worse, increasing the possibility of cure. And while we all know that prevention is always better than cure, here are a few effective ways to help prevent heart conditions:

Quit Smoking

Smoking surges your probability of having a heart attack to twice more than a regular non-smoker. In fact, if you smoke regularly, you’re much likely to not survive if you do experience a heart attack.

Control Blood Pressure

Hypertension or high blood pressureis becoming commonthese days; inadequate exercise, unhealthy eating and insufficient sleep are the major reasons. Avoiding salt, exercising and proper diet can help, but some people may also need medicines to control their BP.

Improve Cholesterol Levels

People with a cholesterol level of over 200 are more likely to get a heart disease. For a healthy heart, individuals must haveHDL(good cholesterol) level over 40, LDL (badcholesterol) level under 160 and Triglycerides under 150. A diethavinglow cholesterol, saturated fat, and refined sugarsalong with high fibercontent can be beneficial.

Get to a Healthy Weight

Proper body weightcan help lower high BP, and alsohelps manage diabetes. People who are overweight are more likely to contract a heart disease. Therefore, being active and having the right amount of weight is important.

Manage Stress and Anger

Taking stress and getting angry once every now and then is natural human behavior. However, the problem arises when these emotions flare up, causing problems to your heart and the body. Managing your stress and handling anger in healthy ways can puts you back in charge of your own body.

Getting regular checkups and visiting the doctor as soon as you notice any unusual changes in your body is critical becauseearly detectionand heart treatment in Jaipur can help cure your condition in time. Jaipur Heart and Multispecialty Centre offer advance treatments for all heart conditions, and provide solutions for leading a healthy life.

5 Daily Habits That are Harming Your Heart!

5 Daily Habits That are Harming Your Heart!

Are you working for long hours at your office? Not getting enough sleep? And not eating healthy as well? While these daily habits might not seem that bad to you at the start, but these habits can make your heart suffer. Yes! There are many common daily habits that have become a part of our routine, and seem quite normal, but actually put you at a higher risk of developing a heart disease.

Heart disease is one of the major lifestyle diseases in the world, which also shares a huge portion of the global burden. Every person wants to have a healthy heart and lead a healthy life. But our unhealthy routine and busy schedules stop us from achieving it!

Here are the top 5 daily habits that can harm your heart: –

Sitting for Long Hours

This is one of the most common habits of a working person. If you sit for long hours at your office desk, you are increasing your risk of heart attack and stroke. Even if you exercise regularly, this habit can increase your risk of developing a heart disease. If you’ve a desk job, it is advised that you must take short walks, and get up at least once every hour.

Not Sleeping Well

You, your body, brain, and organs, all need rest. Your heart never stops working, doesn’t mean that it can work without any rest. If you don’t get enough sleep, your heart doesn’t get the rest it needs.

Consuming More Salt

Consuming more salt can up your sodium intake, and excessive sodium can lead to high blood pressure. Therefore, high blood pressure can in turn increase your risk of developing a heart disease.

Overconsumption of Alcohol

Drinking too much alcohol can directly affect your blood pressure, cause stroke, and obesity. All these three things are known to increase your risk of a heart disease.

Taking too Much Stress

Stress causes our body to release stress hormones, which results in an increase in the heart rate and blood pressure. If you keep taking too much stress in your life, then over a gradual period of time, that stress may damage blood vessels and increase your risk for heart attack.

These common habits can be hard on your heart. Make changes to your lifestyle to keep your heart healthy. In addition to maintaining heart health by following healthy habits, you also need to undergo regular checkups at the best heart hospitals in Jaipur like the Jaipur Heart and Multispecialty Centre. Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and the best cardiologists, the centre offers routine checkups, treatment and heart procedures, all at economical package.

Annual Heart Checkups That You Should Get Done

Annual Heart Checkups That You Should Get Done

If you own a car, you know how important regular servicing is for the well-being of the car. A regular fine-tuning, an oil change, and checking for any issues that might have surfaced are what keep a car running well, for a long time. It is not much different with your heart. Many times, heart issues progress without anyone even knowing about them. This is why it is very important to go for an annual heart checkup, to ensure that everything is in good condition. Here are the main tests that you need to get done at least once a year:


An electrocardiogram or an ECG test is a test where electrodes are taped to your chest to record the electrical signals of your heart. These electric signals are responsible for making your heart beat and are shown as waves on an attached monitor or computer. For those who live in Bani Park, Jaipur, prefer to have an ECG test done at the Jaipur Heart and Multspeciality Centre which has a number of affordable healthcare packages available.


An echocardiogram is a test that utilizes ultrasound to produce images of the heart. With this test, a doctor is able to see the patient’s heart beat, and pumped blood. These images can then be used to identify if the patient is suffering from a heart disease. There are several types of echocardiograms, and which one a particular patient needs is decided by the doctor, depending on what information they need.

Blood Sugar Test

This test measures the amount of sugar, called glucose, in the blood. Generally, blood sugar levels increase right after eating, which triggers the pancreas to release insulin to keep the levels under control. If one’s blood sugar levels remain high for too long, it may damage their eyes, nerves, kidneys, and blood vessels. Blood sugar can also be checked at home, and should be checked more regularly, like at least once a month.

Holter Test

After a regular ECG has been done, a patient may also be asked to wear a Holter monitor, if the ECG wasn’t enough to give the doctor enough information. It is a small and wearable device that tracks the heart’s rhythm for a day or two. The information from the Holter monitor is then used by the doctor to see whether the patient has a heart rhythm problem.

There are several more tests, including the stress test or the PFT, but the above mentioned are the main tests that you should make sure are included in your routine.

5 Steps for a Healthier Life

5 Steps for a Healthier Life

These days, much more than the old genetic and age factors, lifestyles have become a major reason behind a number of diseases. The worst part of this is the fact that lifestyle choices can be altered and one may avoid a number of lifestyle diseases.

If you are serious about trying to aim for healthier living, here are the first five changes that you need to make in your life:

Screening Tests

Heart failure is one of the most common lifestyle diseases. Stay on top of it, and make sure that you schedule yearly appointments for heart treatment. If you happen to reside in the Pink City, contact Jaipur Heart and Multispecialty Center for some of the best services in cardiac checkups and heart treatment in Bani Park, Jaipur. Other tests that you should go for, annually, include colonoscopies, physical tests, etc.

Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Keeping your weight in check is easier said than done. Start with realistic, short term goals. For example, in the beginning, you could concentrate on not gaining any more weight. This too will help improve your health. Later, when you are ready, you should work on shedding the extra weight.

Exercise Regularly

The more you exercise, the better it is for you. But some is also better than none. When you are supposed to exercise regularly, it does not necessarily mean you start hitting the gym and work out for hours. You need to include at least 30 minutes of physical activity into your routine, even if it’s just a walk.

Drinking and Smoking

While you will need to limit the intake of alcohol, smoking is something that would need to be completely stopped. As difficult as it might seem, it is not impossible. It will take about 5 – 6 tries before you will be able to quit, but you need to keep at it.

Eat a Healthy Diet

There is a lot of confusion regarding healthy dieting, but the basic rules are simple. Focus on veggies and fruits, keep red meat intake minimum, cut back on the fats, choose healthy facts, and make nutritious food.

Living a healthier life is not only good for your overall lifestyle, but soon it will also have you feel better and better about yourself.