Habits to Take Up for a Healthy Heart

A large part of the world is affected by a variety of heart diseases, many of which have the potential to be fatal. Some of these ailments develop overtime, and have wrong lifestyles or habits to blame for their occurrence.

As per the best cardiologists in Jaipur Heart and Multispeciality Centre, taking up healthy habits, for instance, maintaining proper diet can actually be the answer to addressing many cardiovascular issues. Here are a few habits that you can inculcate in your lives to make your heart healthy and strong –

Stress Management

Complex lifestyles and increasing stress levels have pushed the number of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases to a good many. Chronic stress leads to a rise in stress hormone production, thus increasing the chances of cardiac arrest. Hence, managing the stress level is one of the first things you should get to.

Diet Control

Oily, spicy or unhealthy food contains a high amount of trans fat, and can prove dangerous for you. This fat tends to clog the arteries of your heart and raise the bad cholesterol level. To keep your heart healthy and going, it is important that you cutdown on the sugary, oil and fat-laden food from your diet. Go through the ingredient list the next time you buy an eatable.

Keeping a Check on Smoking and Liquor Intake

The more cigarettes you smoke in a day, the higher is the possibility of suffering from a heart disease. Alcohols contain calories. This can not only lead to an increase in your weight but also the blood pressure. Therefore, you must always try to limit and gradually stop such ill habits which put your health at risk.

Stay Active

An inactive life coupled with a work routine where you have to stay glued to a chairfor long periods can adversely affect your posture, and can lead to many heart diseases. Activity not only kills boredom, but also boosts your mood. The best cardiologists in Jaipur Heart and Multispeciality Centre recommend that even if your work needs you to sit at a place for long, try taking quick, short breaks. You can also try out some light, exercise when you get time, like during the weekends.

Prioritize, take out a little time, and exercise your body in whatever way you can, and you’ll see how active you feel throughout the course of the day.


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