4 Signs You Need a Heart Checkup

The common occurrence of heart diseases in humans in no way reduces the graveness of their effect. While a lot of people throughout the world deal with the many complexities of heart diseases, there are people who silently suffer from such diseases totally unaware that they have any. Although certain heart diseases can be controlled and checked, yet there are others that turn out to be fatal.

Symptoms of diseases are how our bodies choose to tell us that something isawry. As per specialists conducting the best heart treatments in Jaipur, awareness and proper knowledge of these symptoms can help you diagnose and hence manage the ailment well in time.

Here are some heart symptoms that you should watch out for, and visit your doctor if you experience any –

Extreme fatigue

Now tiredness may be something that people feel every now and then, and there could be several reasons behind it, from lack of proper rest, to weakness or improper diet. While many choose to ignore this symptom, it could really be your body warning you of stiffening heart muscles, an infection in the heart or other cardiovascular ailments.


Another sign of inadequate diet or weakness is dizziness. Often, warm summers or exertion can result infeeling light headed. Dizziness is a symptom common to several diseases including anemia but may also be a consequence of heart arrhythmias, blockage of arteries that decrease blood pressure, dilated cardiomyopathy, and so on.

Shortness of breath

A lot of factors from extreme physical activity, aging, anemia, infections, to asthma or other respiratory ailments can be the reason behind shortness of breath. But if you have been experiencing it quite often, it could also be a sign of valvular heart diseases, atherosclerosis, weakening of heart muscles, heart infections, and so on.

Swelling of feet

Often, with a lot of travelling, varicose veins or even pregnancy may cause swollen feet. However, a lot many heart issues could also be behind this symptom. Inefficient pumping of blood or weakening of heart muscles resulting in heart failures can be one of the prime heart ailments behind this symptom.

Although the above are some very common issues you come across in your daily life, doctors performing the best heart treatment in Jaipur believe that paying close attention to these could prove life-saving for you.


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