5 Daily Habits That are Harming Your Heart!

Are you working for long hours at your office? Not getting enough sleep? And not eating healthy as well? While these daily habits might not seem that bad to you at the start, but these habits can make your heart suffer. Yes! There are many common daily habits that have become a part of our routine, and seem quite normal, but actually put you at a higher risk of developing a heart disease.

Heart disease is one of the major lifestyle diseases in the world, which also shares a huge portion of the global burden. Every person wants to have a healthy heart and lead a healthy life. But our unhealthy routine and busy schedules stop us from achieving it!

Here are the top 5 daily habits that can harm your heart: –

Sitting for Long Hours

This is one of the most common habits of a working person. If you sit for long hours at your office desk, you are increasing your risk of heart attack and stroke. Even if you exercise regularly, this habit can increase your risk of developing a heart disease. If you’ve a desk job, it is advised that you must take short walks, and get up at least once every hour.

Not Sleeping Well

You, your body, brain, and organs, all need rest. Your heart never stops working, doesn’t mean that it can work without any rest. If you don’t get enough sleep, your heart doesn’t get the rest it needs.

Consuming More Salt

Consuming more salt can up your sodium intake, and excessive sodium can lead to high blood pressure. Therefore, high blood pressure can in turn increase your risk of developing a heart disease.

Overconsumption of Alcohol

Drinking too much alcohol can directly affect your blood pressure, cause stroke, and obesity. All these three things are known to increase your risk of a heart disease.

Taking too Much Stress

Stress causes our body to release stress hormones, which results in an increase in the heart rate and blood pressure. If you keep taking too much stress in your life, then over a gradual period of time, that stress may damage blood vessels and increase your risk for heart attack.

These common habits can be hard on your heart. Make changes to your lifestyle to keep your heart healthy. In addition to maintaining heart health by following healthy habits, you also need to undergo regular checkups at the best heart hospitals in Jaipur like the Jaipur Heart and Multispecialty Centre. Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and the best cardiologists, the centre offers routine checkups, treatment and heart procedures, all at economical package.


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