Easy Exercises for a Healthy Heart

Heart being one of the most important organs within the human body, needs special care, and a sedentary lifestyle can be harmful for your heart health. Heart is an organ that pumps blood throughout the body, and with exercise, its muscles can be made healthier and stronger. You don’t need to go to the gym or be a hardcore athlete to improve your heart health. Any type of movement, even a brisk walk for 30 minutes, can make a great deal of difference. If you were to take advice from an expert cardiologist, you’ll know that even moderate exercises can significantly reduce your risk of heart disease and other chronic illnesses as well as improve your stamina and immunity.

Any type and amount of physical activity is beneficial for your heart health. Here are some reasons how regular exercise provides a boost in that regard –

  • Exercise burns calories
  • It helps lower your blood pressure
  • Exercise helps to reduce “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and boosts “good” cholesterol (HDL) levels.
  • Exercise strengthens your heart and cardiovascular system, and improves blood circulation in the body.

But before you start exercising, you must consult only of the best and most knowledgeable cardiologists in Jaipur to understand what is good for you.

Here are the top five exercises that will keep your heart hale and hearty –


Walking is one of the easiest and simplest exercises that one can do. Walking is safe, inexpensive, and easy to fit in your busy schedules. You can walk a little distance to work or to the grocery store or simply take a walk in your neighborhood park.


Simple stretching exercises have been shown to improve cardiovascular health. Stretching exercises help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, reduce resting heart rates and improve arterial flexibility.


Yoga is done by slowly stretching the body into different poses while focusing on breathing. Yoga provides calming effects on the body and heart, lowering blood pressure, making blood vessels more elastic and promoting heart health.


Swimming regularly helps raise your heart rate, increase muscular strength and improve your overall heart health.


Cycling helps burn calories and substantially reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.


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