Habits to Take Up for a Healthy Heart

Habits to Take Up for a Healthy Heart

A large part of the world is affected by a variety of heart diseases, many of which have the potential to be fatal. Some of these ailments develop overtime, and have wrong lifestyles or habits to blame for their occurrence.

As per the best cardiologists in Jaipur Heart and Multispeciality Centre, taking up healthy habits, for instance, maintaining proper diet can actually be the answer to addressing many cardiovascular issues. Here are a few habits that you can inculcate in your lives to make your heart healthy and strong –

Stress Management

Complex lifestyles and increasing stress levels have pushed the number of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases to a good many. Chronic stress leads to a rise in stress hormone production, thus increasing the chances of cardiac arrest. Hence, managing the stress level is one of the first things you should get to.

Diet Control

Oily, spicy or unhealthy food contains a high amount of trans fat, and can prove dangerous for you. This fat tends to clog the arteries of your heart and raise the bad cholesterol level. To keep your heart healthy and going, it is important that you cutdown on the sugary, oil and fat-laden food from your diet. Go through the ingredient list the next time you buy an eatable.

Keeping a Check on Smoking and Liquor Intake

The more cigarettes you smoke in a day, the higher is the possibility of suffering from a heart disease. Alcohols contain calories. This can not only lead to an increase in your weight but also the blood pressure. Therefore, you must always try to limit and gradually stop such ill habits which put your health at risk.

Stay Active

An inactive life coupled with a work routine where you have to stay glued to a chairfor long periods can adversely affect your posture, and can lead to many heart diseases. Activity not only kills boredom, but also boosts your mood. The best cardiologists in Jaipur Heart and Multispeciality Centre recommend that even if your work needs you to sit at a place for long, try taking quick, short breaks. You can also try out some light, exercise when you get time, like during the weekends.

Prioritize, take out a little time, and exercise your body in whatever way you can, and you’ll see how active you feel throughout the course of the day.

Most Commom Heart Disease Myths

Most Commom Heart Disease Myths

These days, the instances of heart diseases have increased by quite a bit. The thing about heart diseases is that they are not picky, and can end up affecting almost anyone. The battle for a healthy heart is a long and continuous battle that must be fought vigilantly.

You can consult expert cardiologists in Jaipur, but if you are one of those who tend to believe popular misconceptions, you need to get rid of those first. As the best cardiologist in the city, Jaipur Heart and Multispeciality Centre can help you debunk the myths that surround heart diseases. Regardless, here are some of the most common myths that surround heart diseases.

Cardiac Arrests and Heart Attacks are the Same

This is not true. A blocked artery is the reason behind a heart attack. This blockage does not let the heart get enough blood and oxygen, and if left untreated, the muscle begins to die. In a heart attack, a person remains conscious. On the other hand, in a cardiac arrest, a person’s heart stops pumping blood and they stop breathing normally. Cardiac arrests require immediate CPR.

Heart attacks can also cause heart arrhythmias, which in turn may lead to a cardiac arrest. As different as they are, both are still emergency situations that require immediate medical treatment.

Heart Disease is Preventable and Thin and Active People are Safe

There are a number of inherited heart conditions, which can definitely be helped by maintaining an ideal body and a healthy lifestyle. But, there are a number of other factors that need to be taken into consideration as well.

Coughing During a Heart Attack Helps

There are numerous suggestions online that coughing vigorously when you’re having a heart attack can really help you. this is called ‘cough CPR’; but the problem is that when you need CPR, it’s for a cardiac arrest and you normally lose consciousness in a cardiac arrest, so you really wouldn’t be able to cough; and if you’re conscious, it’s probably a heart attack, which needs medical attention, and not CPR. So, there is no medical evidence to support this claim.

Heart Disease is a Man’s Disease

People tend to believe that women, due to their menstruation cycle, are not susceptible to heart diseases. But cardiovascular disease kills both men and women. In fact, the belief that women don’t get coronary heart diseases is what makes women less aware of the risk factors, and they tend ignore symptoms, calling in for help late which reduces their chances of survival.

Remember, debunking incorrect conceptions and the myths that surround heart diseases is the first step towards a better heart health.

Subtle Heart Attack Symptoms That Should Never Be Ignored

Subtle Heart Attack Symptoms That Should Never Be Ignored

We always tend to associate chest pain with heart attacks, but it’s not really the case all the time. While chest pain is one of the most common symptoms of a heart attack, people can have varied symptoms that may not even be related to chest pain at all. And with the kind morbid lifestyles we are leading these days, we need to be on the lookout for other, subtler symptoms of heart problems.

According to the best cardiologists in Jaipur, when the heart instigates to fail, symptoms may be visible throughout the body, which may often appear minor but can be severe in nature. While these symptoms can be something as trifling as fatigue or neck or back pain, they can prove hazardous for our heart’s health in the long run. Below are the most subtle symptoms that should be watched out for:

Shortness of Breath

As we age, a lack of exercise can cause issues like shortness of breath and occasional hot flashes, leading to excessive sweating. These can signal a heart problem in situations including:

  • Sudden sweating or breathlessness without exertion
  • Continuously worsening breathlessness over time
  • Shortness of breath experienced specifically when you lie down
  • Stress when you can find no real cause for it
  • Chest pain accompanied by sweating or shortness of breath

Unusual Fatigue

Most of us are probably busy most of the time, which may cause fatigue by the end of the day. However, you should pay vigilant attention when:

  • You feel suddenly worn out after your regular exercise routine
  • You have fatigue without actually exerting yourself
  • Simple activities like walking from one room to the other, making the bed, shopping etc. makes you excessively tired
  • While you do feel extremely tired, you also have trouble in sleeping

Neck, Back, Jaw pain

Pain in the jaw, the back or arms may be a signal of heart problem, especially if its origin is unrecognized. Also, if the pain increases with exertion, look out for further hints like:

  • Men can often have pain in the left arm and women may experience unexplained pain in either arm
  • Pain spreading through the chest spreads in the lower or upper back
  • The pain starting suddenly, sometimes even in sleep at the middle of the night
  • Pain specific to the lower left side of the jaw

Reports have proved that people often noticed some of these warning signs a few weeks or a month before the heart attack. The sooner the problem is reported, the better are the chances of catching the issue and treating it to avoid a heart attack. If you too experience these symptoms, consult the best cardiologists in Jaipur at the Jaipur Health and Multispecialty Clinic, as quickly as possible.

Easy Exercises for a Healthy Heart

Easy Exercises for a Healthy Heart

Heart being one of the most important organs within the human body, needs special care, and a sedentary lifestyle can be harmful for your heart health. Heart is an organ that pumps blood throughout the body, and with exercise, its muscles can be made healthier and stronger. You don’t need to go to the gym or be a hardcore athlete to improve your heart health. Any type of movement, even a brisk walk for 30 minutes, can make a great deal of difference. If you were to take advice from an expert cardiologist, you’ll know that even moderate exercises can significantly reduce your risk of heart disease and other chronic illnesses as well as improve your stamina and immunity.

Any type and amount of physical activity is beneficial for your heart health. Here are some reasons how regular exercise provides a boost in that regard –

  • Exercise burns calories
  • It helps lower your blood pressure
  • Exercise helps to reduce “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and boosts “good” cholesterol (HDL) levels.
  • Exercise strengthens your heart and cardiovascular system, and improves blood circulation in the body.

But before you start exercising, you must consult only of the best and most knowledgeable cardiologists in Jaipur to understand what is good for you.

Here are the top five exercises that will keep your heart hale and hearty –


Walking is one of the easiest and simplest exercises that one can do. Walking is safe, inexpensive, and easy to fit in your busy schedules. You can walk a little distance to work or to the grocery store or simply take a walk in your neighborhood park.


Simple stretching exercises have been shown to improve cardiovascular health. Stretching exercises help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, reduce resting heart rates and improve arterial flexibility.


Yoga is done by slowly stretching the body into different poses while focusing on breathing. Yoga provides calming effects on the body and heart, lowering blood pressure, making blood vessels more elastic and promoting heart health.


Swimming regularly helps raise your heart rate, increase muscular strength and improve your overall heart health.


Cycling helps burn calories and substantially reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.