
Understanding TMT

What Does it Refer To?

TMT or Tread Mill Test, also known as cardiac stress test, is a cardiological test undertaken to determine the result of physical stress on the heart. The test is performed by a trained physician to see how the heart responds when the person is made to exercise in a controlled clinical environment.

This test is carried out to mainly detect the presence of coronary artery disease in humans. During a TMT checkup in Jaipur Heart and Multispeciality Centre, the electrocardiogram, blood pressure and heart rate are among the main aspects of the patient that get monitored.

What Happens During the Test?

Before beginning the test, 10 small areas on the chest of the patient are cleaned and electrodes are attached to these areas. These electrodes further remain attached to an electrocardiogram monitor. The heart rate and the blood pressureare monitoredwhen the patient is at rest. Next, the patient is asked to either walk on a treadmill or pedal a stationary bike, the difficulty of which is gradually increased. The exercise may continue for 10-12 minutes.

In case of a nuclear stress test, a radioactive medication is delivered into the patient’s body using an IV drip.

In a treadmill test, the normal arteries supplying blood to the heart dilate thus causing an increased flow of blood. But if the arteries have any sort of blockage, the blood supplied to the heart is low which starve the muscle leading to symptoms like shortness of breath or discomfort in the chest.

When is the Test Done?

The test may be advised to a patient in the following cases –

  • Fatigue, chest pain or breathless when walking or running
  • Have suffered a heart attack
  • Above 40 years of age
  • A chain smoker
  • Have a family history of CAD
  • To develop a safer exercise program

Since a TMT checkup in Jaipur Heart and Multispeciality Centre is quick and low cost, it can be very advantageous for the patients. The appointment generally lasts for an hour or so and the results are handed out to the patient on the same day of the test. Before beginning the test, patients must discuss their medical history with the physician, for instance if he/she is suffering from asthma or diabetes, so that the physician is in the know-how about such existing ailments while undertaking TMT.


High Cholesterol – Risk Factors & Effects on Heart

If you have too much cholesterol in your blood, it can combine with other substances in the blood and stick to the walls of your arteries. Cholesterol, in combination with other blood substances that sticks to your arteries, is called plaque. Plaque can continue to build up in your arteries, making them narrow or even block them.

High cholesterol levels in the blood can increase your risk of developing a heart disease. If you have high cholesterol, you won’t be having any signs or symptoms as there are no signs that tell that you have high blood cholesterol. You will have to undergo a blood test to know cholesterol levels in your blood. If you have decreased blood flow in the heart, then an expert doctor would certainly suggest you to get an echocardiogram done. If you are looking to get an echocardiogram checkup in Jaipur, you can visit Jaipur Heart and Multispeciality Centre that is equipped with state-of-the-art cath labs, facilities and a core team of heart specialists to provide the best course of treatment for heart ailments.

Factors that Affect Cholesterol Levels in the Body –

There are many factors that can affect cholesterol levels in your body. Here are the important ones –

  • Age – Cholesterol levels in the body are known to rise after 20 years of age
  • Overweight – If you are overweight or obese, you may be having higher bad cholesterol levels
  • No physical activity – Not exercising may lower good cholesterol levels
  • Family history – If your family members have or had high cholesterol, you may also suffer from it
  • Food habits – Eating too much saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol can raise your cholesterol levels
  • Smoke- If you smoke you may be at a higher risk of increasing your cholesterol levels

Effects of High Cholesterol Level on the Heart

  • Coronary Artery Disease

    Coronary Artery Disease or CAD is the most common heart disease. The condition occurs when arteries which supply blood to muscles of the heart become hardened and narrowed due to the buildup of plaque on their inner walls.

  • Stroke

    High plaque buildup can lead to reduced or complete cut off of blood supply to an important part of the brain; this is called a stroke.

  • Heart Attack

    Plaque buildup in the arteries that supply blood to the heart is called atherosclerosis. In due course of time, a piece of the plaque can break off and a blood clot can form around it. This clot can block blood flow to the heart muscle and deprive it of oxygen and nutrient, leading to a heart attack.

Exercise more and eat healthy, to lower your cholesterol levels. If required, consult a cardiac specialist and take proper medicine.


When and Why You Need a Holter Checkup

Holter Checkup, sometimes also called ambulatory electrocardiography, is a continuous 24 hour monitoringthat helps record your heart’s rhythm and rate. The patient is made to wear aHolter monitor for a period of time ranging between 12 and 48 hours, while they go about their normal daily routine.

The Holter monitor is a battery-powered medical device that can be worn under one’s clothes, to measurethe heart’s activity, such as the rate and rhythm. This device has electrodes leading out exactly like it is in a regular electrocardiogram (EKG), but it has fewer number of leads. Apart from picking up your regular heart rate and rhythm, it can also sense and recordwhen you exhibit an irregular heartbeat or feel chest pains.

Therefore, your doctor may ask you to take up a Holter Checkup in Jaipur (or anywhere else depending on your city of residence) when they need more information about your heart’s functions. Moreover you might be asked to carry a Holter Monitor in the following instances –

  • If you have symptoms of a heart problem including irregular heartbeat or arrhythmia and when you experience unexplained fainting.
  • If you have a heart condition that may increase your risk of experiencing an abnormal heartbeat, your doctor may suggest a Holter checkup, even if you don’t have any direct symptoms of arrhythmia.
  • An electrocardiogram is not able to detect the heart’s irregularity accurately sometimes, and that’s when your doctor may recommend that you wear a Holter monitor for a day or two.
  • If your doctor suspects that you are at risk of future heart problems after a pre-existing/ genetic condition or a recent heart attack.

Signs of Heart Problem That Might Need a Holter Monitor Detection

  • Fast, fluttering or pounding heartbeat
  • Too slow, too fast, or otherwise irregular heartbeat
  • Excessive tiredness, shortness of breath or dizziness
  • Chest pain not caused by an exercise test

While wearing Holter monitor, you’ll be asked to keep a note of all your daily activities in a diary. Your doctor can compare the written data from that recorded by the Holter monitor, which can help diagnose your condition.If you experience any of the above mentioned symptoms, you might need to get a Holter Checkup in Jaipur. Theexpert team of cardiologists at the Jaipur Heart & Multispeciality Centre can help you determine heart problems and provide a course of action for its prevention.

Habits to Take Up for a Healthy Heart

Habits to Take Up for a Healthy Heart

A large part of the world is affected by a variety of heart diseases, many of which have the potential to be fatal. Some of these ailments develop overtime, and have wrong lifestyles or habits to blame for their occurrence.

As per the best cardiologists in Jaipur Heart and Multispeciality Centre, taking up healthy habits, for instance, maintaining proper diet can actually be the answer to addressing many cardiovascular issues. Here are a few habits that you can inculcate in your lives to make your heart healthy and strong –

Stress Management

Complex lifestyles and increasing stress levels have pushed the number of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases to a good many. Chronic stress leads to a rise in stress hormone production, thus increasing the chances of cardiac arrest. Hence, managing the stress level is one of the first things you should get to.

Diet Control

Oily, spicy or unhealthy food contains a high amount of trans fat, and can prove dangerous for you. This fat tends to clog the arteries of your heart and raise the bad cholesterol level. To keep your heart healthy and going, it is important that you cutdown on the sugary, oil and fat-laden food from your diet. Go through the ingredient list the next time you buy an eatable.

Keeping a Check on Smoking and Liquor Intake

The more cigarettes you smoke in a day, the higher is the possibility of suffering from a heart disease. Alcohols contain calories. This can not only lead to an increase in your weight but also the blood pressure. Therefore, you must always try to limit and gradually stop such ill habits which put your health at risk.

Stay Active

An inactive life coupled with a work routine where you have to stay glued to a chairfor long periods can adversely affect your posture, and can lead to many heart diseases. Activity not only kills boredom, but also boosts your mood. The best cardiologists in Jaipur Heart and Multispeciality Centre recommend that even if your work needs you to sit at a place for long, try taking quick, short breaks. You can also try out some light, exercise when you get time, like during the weekends.

Prioritize, take out a little time, and exercise your body in whatever way you can, and you’ll see how active you feel throughout the course of the day.

What You Need to Know About Coronary Heart Disease

What You Need to Know About Coronary Heart Disease

Heart diseases can affect people regardless of age or gender. In India, the incidences of heart diseases remain high, with coronary heart disease (CHD) being one of the most common conditions prevalent. This disease is a result of plaque formation in the arteries and can lead to a number of other conditions like stroke.

The arteries in our bodies start out as smooth and elastic, but can get a buildup of plaque on the inner walls. This makes the arteries more rigid and narrower, and can restrict the blood flow to the heart. This leads to lesser oxygen reaching the heart and a chance for the plaque to rupture, leading to heart attacks or cardiac death. That is why it is ideal to opt for regular heart checkup at a heart hospital in Jaipur to be in the know-how about your heart’s health.

The Symptoms

The most common symptom of CHD is angina (chest pain), which can easily be mistaken for indigestion or heartburn. While angina is usually felt in the chest, it may affect other body parts like the left shoulder, jaw, arms, neck and back as well. Some other symptoms of CHD include: –

  • Short breath
  • Palpitations
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Weakness
  • Nausea
  • Excessive sweating


The most common treatment paths that can be followed after the diagnosis of CHD include:-

Lifestyle changes

A lot of little changes can make a big difference. For example, you will need to quit smoking, avoid processed foods, go for a low fat, salt, and sugar diet, keep the blood sugar in control, and exercise regularly (get a doctor approved exercise plan).


Sometimes lifestyle changes are not enough and you might require medication. What exactly is prescribed to you will depend on the situation of your CHD.

Surgery and procedures

Balloon angioplasty, stent placement, and coronary artery bypass surgery are the most common surgeries and procedures that are conducted on CHD patients to relieve the condition.

While these methods and procedures improve the supply of blood to your heart, they cannot cure coronary heart disease completely. They do however; significantly lower the chances of more heart diseases.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and eating habits is very important to avoid a number of heart conditions, and it is equally important to opt for regular heart checkups at a heart hospital in Jaipur, for keeping a tab on your heart’s health.

ECG Tests – Before, During and After

ECG Tests – Before, During and After

In this fast evolving world where medical facilities and provisions keep adding up, an ECG or electrocardiogram test is not unheard of. Recommended to people with risk factors regarding heart ailments such as high blood pressure, chest pain or palpitation, an ECG registers the electrical activity of the heart.

As per specialists in ECG Test in Bani Park, Jaipur, the electrical activity of the heart is presented as line tracings on paper and consists of dips and spikes known as waves. By keeping an account of the rate and rhythm of the heart, an ECG test can reveal heart enlargements due to hypertension and symptoms of myocardial infarction. It also helps detect any unusual activity in the heart implants and whether or not heart medicationis proving effective.

To make you understand the concept of ECG better, here’s an outlook of things before, during and after ECG: –

Before ECG

Before taking up ECG, you need to prepare yourself for the test. Although it is a totally safe procedure, there are a few things that you can take care of. This involves informing your doctor about your complete medical history, the problems you face and the supplements you are taking, as some can affect the result of your ECG test.

During the Test

To begin with the test procedures, the arms, legs and chest region of the patient’s body are shaved clean, followed by the attachment of several electrodes to those areas. These electrodes are in turn attached to a machine that graphicallytraces the electrical activities of the heart. While taking the test, the patient is expected to keep still. He/she may further be asked to control the breathing for an infinitesimal amount of time by the doctor. The test usually extends up to 10 or 15 minutes.

After the Test

Since the processes involved in an ECG test are not complex or surgical, you will be discharged on the same day you take the test. After the test, you can freely resume your regular activities. Specialists conducting ECG test in Bani Park, Jaipur further add that a follow up diagnostic test will be suggested by your doctor in case of abnormalities in the result.

4 Signs You Need a Heart Checkup

4 Signs You Need a Heart Checkup

The common occurrence of heart diseases in humans in no way reduces the graveness of their effect. While a lot of people throughout the world deal with the many complexities of heart diseases, there are people who silently suffer from such diseases totally unaware that they have any. Although certain heart diseases can be controlled and checked, yet there are others that turn out to be fatal.

Symptoms of diseases are how our bodies choose to tell us that something isawry. As per specialists conducting the best heart treatments in Jaipur, awareness and proper knowledge of these symptoms can help you diagnose and hence manage the ailment well in time.

Here are some heart symptoms that you should watch out for, and visit your doctor if you experience any –

Extreme fatigue

Now tiredness may be something that people feel every now and then, and there could be several reasons behind it, from lack of proper rest, to weakness or improper diet. While many choose to ignore this symptom, it could really be your body warning you of stiffening heart muscles, an infection in the heart or other cardiovascular ailments.


Another sign of inadequate diet or weakness is dizziness. Often, warm summers or exertion can result infeeling light headed. Dizziness is a symptom common to several diseases including anemia but may also be a consequence of heart arrhythmias, blockage of arteries that decrease blood pressure, dilated cardiomyopathy, and so on.

Shortness of breath

A lot of factors from extreme physical activity, aging, anemia, infections, to asthma or other respiratory ailments can be the reason behind shortness of breath. But if you have been experiencing it quite often, it could also be a sign of valvular heart diseases, atherosclerosis, weakening of heart muscles, heart infections, and so on.

Swelling of feet

Often, with a lot of travelling, varicose veins or even pregnancy may cause swollen feet. However, a lot many heart issues could also be behind this symptom. Inefficient pumping of blood or weakening of heart muscles resulting in heart failures can be one of the prime heart ailments behind this symptom.

Although the above are some very common issues you come across in your daily life, doctors performing the best heart treatment in Jaipur believe that paying close attention to these could prove life-saving for you.

Adopting a Heart-Healthy Lifestyle

Adopting a Heart-Healthy Lifestyle

Your heart works all day, all year round and sure deserves some care. Making small changes in your everyday lifestyle can make a big difference to your heart, and it will thank you in great ways in the years to come.While heart is an important but delicate part of our bodies, only a specialist can be trusted and turned to for good heart-healthy advice.

Therefore, here we have advice from specialists from the best heart hospital in Jaipur that will help you adopt a better lifestyle and make you less likely to experience heart diseases.

Aim for At Least 7 Hours of Sleep

Working like robots and staying awaketill late at night has become a common culture these days, and so has heart problems.People fail to understand how critically important a proper full-night’s sleep is for their heart. Inadequate sleep can lead to calcium build-up in thearteries, which is among the early signs of heart disease.

If you find it difficult to fall asleep at night or feel tired even after having a 7 hour sleep, talk to our specialists at the best heart hospital in Jaipur.

Keep the Pressure in Check

Blood pressure is an important factor in ensuring heart health. If it gets too high, the extra force on your artery walls can damage them and make it difficult for blood and therefore, oxygen to pass throughthe heart.

If you are anywhere between 18 and 39 years old, you should get your blood pressure checked every 3-5 years even if you experience no symptoms of illness. For those older than 40, a blood pressure check is recommended every year.

Look for Signs of Diabetes

There are hundreds of people out there who have diabetes and they do not even know. In several cases, by the time they find it out, their arteries are damaged and they are at a higher heart risk. Regular blood sugar tests should be taken if you are 45 years or older, or if you are pregnant or overweight.

Move Around More Often

Everyone should aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exerciseevery day. But, working out or sweating is not enough.At the same time, remaining sedentary for the rest of the time is really bad for your heart. Make sure you move around as much as possible to avoid sitting in a single place for long hours, be it in home or office.

It is extremely important to follow a heart-healthy lifestyle that includes exercise, healthy eating, and preventive follow ups with your physician, taking appropriate medications as needed, and not smoking. The Jaipur Heart and Multispeciality Centre is the right hospital for best heart specialists in Jaipur that can offer heart care from routine heart checkups to minimally invasive surgery.

Eating Right with a Heart Disease

Eating Right with a Heart Disease

If you are suffering from a heart disease, then you should have control on your diet; this includes knowing what you should eat and what you shouldn’t. Foods with high sodium content can increase blood pressure, while foods with trans-fat can increase your bad cholesterol levels, thereby increasing the risk of stroke and heart attack. In comparison, plant foods, particularly wholegrain cereals, nuts, legumes, fruits and vegetables have been known to reduce the risk of heart disease.

If you are watching your heart health, then regularly consult an expert heart specialist like Jaipur Heart and Multispeciality Centre. Along with that, here is what you need to do when it comes to eating right with a heart disease –

Keep a Tab on the Fats You Consume

You should understand the difference between good fat and bad fat. Saturated and Trans fats increase blood cholesterol levels and the risk of a heart attack, whereas polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats lower the risk of heart attacks. Hence, you need to limit the consumption of Trans and saturated fat (mostly found in animal products). Use oils high in monounsaturated fats (olive oil and peanut oil) or polyunsaturated fats (soybean, corn, and sunflower oils) for cooking purposes.

Avoid Processed Foods

Avoid processed foods, such as canned soup, vegetables, etc. Processed foods are preserved using salts, nitrites, or other preservatives which are harmful for the heart. Salty snacks such as chips, nuts, etc. should be avoided as well.

Balance Out the Protein in Your Diet

Limit the intake of meats as they are high in saturated fat. Diets high in saturated fat are linked with high blood cholesterol and heart disease risks. Instead, balance your meals with lean meat, fish, and vegetable sources of protein.

Eat More of Plant Foods

Incorporate more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes in your diet. Plant foods constitute a heart-healthy diet as they are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, fiber and other nutrients, and are low in fat, calories, sodium, and cholesterol.

Limit Your Salt Consumption

Limiting consumption of sodium intake is another essential of a heart-healthy diet, because sodium makes your heart work harder. Too much sodium in your diet can increase your blood pressure. Prefer using salt which has lower sodium concentration.

A healthy lifestyle as well as the right diet is essential for recovery from a heart disease. Besides maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you need to ensure your heart health through routine heart checkups. If you are looking for heart specialists in Jaipur, then visit Jaipur Heart and Multispecialty Centre which has a team of experienced heart specialists, and is equipped with state-of-heart facilities to diagnose and treat symptoms and diseases related to heart.

Most Commom Heart Disease Myths

Most Commom Heart Disease Myths

These days, the instances of heart diseases have increased by quite a bit. The thing about heart diseases is that they are not picky, and can end up affecting almost anyone. The battle for a healthy heart is a long and continuous battle that must be fought vigilantly.

You can consult expert cardiologists in Jaipur, but if you are one of those who tend to believe popular misconceptions, you need to get rid of those first. As the best cardiologist in the city, Jaipur Heart and Multispeciality Centre can help you debunk the myths that surround heart diseases. Regardless, here are some of the most common myths that surround heart diseases.

Cardiac Arrests and Heart Attacks are the Same

This is not true. A blocked artery is the reason behind a heart attack. This blockage does not let the heart get enough blood and oxygen, and if left untreated, the muscle begins to die. In a heart attack, a person remains conscious. On the other hand, in a cardiac arrest, a person’s heart stops pumping blood and they stop breathing normally. Cardiac arrests require immediate CPR.

Heart attacks can also cause heart arrhythmias, which in turn may lead to a cardiac arrest. As different as they are, both are still emergency situations that require immediate medical treatment.

Heart Disease is Preventable and Thin and Active People are Safe

There are a number of inherited heart conditions, which can definitely be helped by maintaining an ideal body and a healthy lifestyle. But, there are a number of other factors that need to be taken into consideration as well.

Coughing During a Heart Attack Helps

There are numerous suggestions online that coughing vigorously when you’re having a heart attack can really help you. this is called ‘cough CPR’; but the problem is that when you need CPR, it’s for a cardiac arrest and you normally lose consciousness in a cardiac arrest, so you really wouldn’t be able to cough; and if you’re conscious, it’s probably a heart attack, which needs medical attention, and not CPR. So, there is no medical evidence to support this claim.

Heart Disease is a Man’s Disease

People tend to believe that women, due to their menstruation cycle, are not susceptible to heart diseases. But cardiovascular disease kills both men and women. In fact, the belief that women don’t get coronary heart diseases is what makes women less aware of the risk factors, and they tend ignore symptoms, calling in for help late which reduces their chances of survival.

Remember, debunking incorrect conceptions and the myths that surround heart diseases is the first step towards a better heart health.

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